Villa Buttafava


Villa Buttafava, an elegant 18th-century residence surrounded by a magnificent park, is the perfect venue for weddings, private events, and corporate gatherings. Perched on a hill, it features a romantic Glass House overlooking the Italian-style gardens and elegant halls adorned with original frescoes, floors, and fixtures.

Malpensa Meetings


Malpensa Meetings is an event agency based a few steps from Milan Malpensa international airport and operates throughout the national and foreign territory.

Malpensa Meetings deals with the organization of events, in particular it offers personalized services in the organization of craft fairs, corporate events, gala events, congresses and conventions, fairs and events and searches and selects hostesses and staff for events throughout the national territory .

Percorso Castellanza-Castiglione Olona: Tra Storia e Natura nella Valle Olona

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Un percorso ciclabile da Castellanza a Castiglione Olona lungo la Valle Olona, attraverso storia, natura e antichi tracciati ferroviari.


    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
