Pensione Irma - Forte di Orino

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Il Forte di Orino è una delle destinazioni più famose del Parco Regionale del Campo dei Fiori grazie alla sua vista panoramica sull'intera provincia di Varese.

L'itinerario dalla Pensione Irma è semplice e accessibile anche ai più piccoli, è scenografico e facilmente percorribile.

Ring Val de' Corni Mount

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Val de’ Corni Mount is a great choice if you are looking for an easy trekking: a simple, circular and panoramic route.

The route starts from Passo del Tedesco where you can park your car.

From the car park, take a path towards north that follows the profile of the mountain, offering a breathtaking view of the valley below, continue up to the peaks of Val de’ Corni Mount and then further towards the asphalt road that leads to the Tedesco Alp.




Poncione di Ganna

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The Poncione di Ganna is probably the most beautiful mountain of Varese province characterized by its pyramidal shape. You can start the trek from different starting points, in this simple and accessible itinerary the departure is from the Alpe Tedesco, where it is possible to park the car. From the parking lot the path starts in a large road that leads to a well-marked path that quickly climbs up to a sign that outlines the junction between normal and direct route. The difference is delineated by the length of the paths while the duration is similar.


    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
