Voltorre Cloister

Dated to 1154, the charming cloister was built in mediaeval times although the foundations are definitely much older: it took many years to build and encompasses both the Romanesque and the Gothic eras. We know the architect behind the cloister was Lanfranco da Ligurno, a late twelfth-century “magister” sculptor, as he left his signature on the cloister, and the capitals at the head of the columns are recognised as the most valuable artistic element of the entire building.

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Sacro Monte of Varese

The Sacro Monte of Varese is a place of great historical and artistic value in the Varese area, recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in July 2003. Its Via Sacra, a devotional path about 2 km long, is studded with 14 chapels, each dedicated to a Mystery of the Rosary and perfectly integrated into the surrounding natural environment. The highlight is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Monte, which houses the Coronation of the Virgin Mary as the 15th Mystery of the Rosary, and the Romanesque Crypt, accessible by guided tour.

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Isolino Virginia

Isolino Virginia is one of the oldest pile-dwelling settlements in the Alps and was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2011 as part of a serial property known as the “Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps”. The tiny islet is home to a LIPU (the Italian Society for the Protection of Birds) sanctuary that acts as a stopover for many species of migrating birds, and attracts many visitors as there is so much to see and do.

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    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
