Apicoltura Frattini Diego


Beekeeping Frattini Diego was born in 2012 and is located in Varese. The company deals with organic beekeeping, production of honey, pollen, propolis and many other products of the hive. In addition, it is equipped with a modern marshalling room.

Among the qualities of honey produced, those of Acacia, Chestnut, Millefiori, Castiglio and Linden stand out.

Rancio Valcuvia – Cunardo

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La partenza del sentiero 19/319 si trova poco distante dal centro medioevale di Rancio Valcuvia, nei pressi dell’area pic-nic attrezzata dal Parco Campo dei Fiori, all’incrocio tra la Strada Provinciale n. 62 e la Via Valganna. Si prosegue verso nord seguendo la via Valganna.

In località Valle Ronc si possono notare il rudere di un antico molino e delle caratteristiche cascate.

Rancio Valcuvia – Brinzio

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The path n. 18/318 starts in Rancio Valcuvia near the picnic area at the intersection of the Provincial Road n. 62 and Via Valganna. Not far away, the historic center of the village, houses ancient houses of medieval origin, the former convent of the Umiliati and the stone bridge over the river Rancina.


    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
