Varese, land of experiences

Piana di Vegonno

The Piana di Vegonno di Azzate is recognised as a FAI heartland, a place surrounded by nature where one can breathe in a bucolic atmosphere and harmony between nature and the rural environment.

This expanse is also called the "valley of the philosophers" precisely because of the atmosphere it creates, which invites passers-by to indulge in aimless strolling.

To reach it, you can leave your car in Azzate in Via XXV Aprile, and after a few minutes' walk you will have an enchanting view of the plain.

The walk is along a comfortable, level path lasting about an hour.

In spring and autumn it is possible to admire beautiful colours and stunning sunsets.

In summer, a walk during the hottest hours is not recommended because the path is under the sun.

Photo by @gmp_and_friends


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    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
