Varese, land of events

From 21st to 25th November 2023 | Varese

Festa dell'albero 2023

21st November 2023 is National Tree Day, a date that Varese has decided to celebrate with a week of events; first, more than 100 magnolia trees will be planted in the redeveloped Stations area. Here are the week's events!


21st November: Three meetings curated by Municipal Public Works Commission Chairwoman Maria Paola Cocchiere are scheduled with the aim of exploring the role played by trees and green space in general for the future of urban settings, addressing the issue from the perspective of the health of people and the environment, then as an element of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and finally from the perspective of biodiversity protection.


23rd November at 9.00 p.m.:the conference "The role of greenery in creating cities of well-being and health" will be held in the Salone Estense


24th November at 9.00 p.m.: in Sala Montanari there will be a discussion on "The future takes root. Climate Changes."

25th November at 10:00 a.m.: in the Salone Estense will discuss about "The Transformations of Biodiversity in the City. A journey from history to new future visions".

    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
